LAST UPDATE: 30.03.2025
About H1Z1 King of the Kill
As already told you in the entry about my most anticipated games of 2015, H1Z1 King of the Kill crack headed the top, since it was the game that most wanted to try; still to be at the beginning of the year, I bet for this title from Sony as “the ultimate zombie survival”, but with some misgivings that, unfortunately, have been met.
To start H1Z1 King of the Kill the 15th day of the month of January was launched, but most of the players could not access the game until the next day, since the servers were dropped; I imagine that the overload of people trying to enter, which was similar to a brutal attack on their servers and end up lying to them.
I could enter the next morning, at about 12 noon and I was testing it awhile. In fact, I leave my first video if you want to take a look.
Although it is not an analysis as such, but a gameplay use, in which you can find see the general atmosphere of the game, and the level of development in which it is located.
To start I’ll be clear: if I did not have a youtube channel, he would have not bought it and I would have expected to be free to play. That said, can you imagine what my recommendation in this regard, no? But let’s look a little game:
If you are looking for is a game with great graphics forget immediately H1Z1 King of the Kill now at graphic level does not offer any novelty, moreover, can be perfectly to the level of a game that has a couple of years. Most of the geometries are images and drawings without polygons, this is a resource that is often used by the developers in order to reduce the requirements to run the game, and for that to work more fluidly, but this title is not justified why?
It is not a game that ask few technical requirements precisely, since as at least need an i3 processor 6 Gb RAM so you can move the game with all the graphic options at lows, although since Sony recommend us that we have at least an i7 processor.
I put a separate section, and not included in graphics, because really when modeling 3D lights put aside, since they are very important to give realism to the scene. And at this point I don’t have much complaint, it must be said that it is a dark and rainy game, but with lights that help to improve the graphic appearance.
If the lights are important sound not is back in a video game, since they are the two pillars on which rests a good atmosphere, and I have to say that the sound aspect of H1Z1 King of the Kill Download is fantastic, to me at least I enjoyed. It is true that there are things to Polish, for example steps are heard very strong, but aim very well in this regard.
PVE: Player versus environment, in which other players do not imply any risk since even though you try to not can hurt us, can however die hand of zombies, animals and of course hunger or thirst.
PVP: In addition to all the above risks, you must be careful with the other players that, today, are the real danger of the game.
BattleRoyale: It’s the classic “all against all”.
These modes will be add different options of the servers, as the possibility of putting the game in third person or lose recipes discovered after death.
The truth is that this flexibility makes that they can play the large number of people and with totally different tastes, for example, I have very clear that mine is a PVE server, because I do not like the PVP, and H1Z1 King of the Kill Crack find a game mode that I like. It is already only issue of interpreting the legend of servers and choose which suits your tastes.
Now well, turns out that H1Z1 is an early access, i.e. a set of early access, and that it is still under development. This means that when shopping H1Z1 King of the Kill are compando a game without end, so that you have to be clear from the outset that you’ll find with broken things, animations unfinished and that anything that is in the current game, even if it is something that you love, can disappear in the final version of the game.
This point find it me curious and important, because he is has strongly criticised the current state of the game and many players have forgotten the fact that this is an early access, also is true that we do not have a title of an indie company, but a large company with many resources and that they could have gotten a better finished product , but no one is forcing us to buy a game without finishing or Yes?
Unfortunately already almost has been standard in the industry sell us games unfinished, but at least in this case have been advised it us, if you do a little safe memory that you remember the “assassin’s Creed Buggity” this Christmas.
And this is the real point that many players have requested reimbursement for the game. You put on record: before the launch, the developers commented that H1Z1 King of the Kill would have a system of micro transactions but only for aesthetic objects, as they may be clothing or skins of characters, and that they would never sell anything to give some kind of advantage in game, but when it comes to the truth has proven to be lying.
But suggested: I think is a lie half; I understand. Within the system of micro transactions you can buy airdrops, i.e. that a plane pass over your head and throw a box with supplies that originally included weapons, ammunition and other items that make you life easier in H1Z1… but… because there’s always a but! though it is not the game to be a “pay to win”, moreover, I dare to say, today, buy an airdrop is almost synonymous with suicide.
To start the airdrops fall within a radius of 700 metres around yours, do not ensure you that they carried weapons, some include up to seven zombies inside and also carried two illumination flares that make them visible from very far away; in these conditions do you feel safe buying an airdrop? all over the world to your around will know that someone is desperate and without arms who has spent a couple of euros to buy a box… I you would not be quiet.
In short if you are going to buy the game before some gameplays look and keep well clear that you it’s a game without finishing, if you have in mind that within a year it will be a free game you already you have all the information needed to assess for yourself if it is worth to you or not to buy it. King of the Kill Download free link below!
H1Z1 King of the Kill Download Guide
1- Click the “Download H1z1 King of the Kill” button below.
2- Open the File “H1z1 King of the Kill Downloader” and install it.
3- Open the 64bits or 32 bits launcher.
4- Done.
Game Features
Fast Installation
No Errors
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No Virus
Working in any operation system
H1Z1 King of the Kill Crack Download Link
File Name : H1z1 King of The Kill
File Size : 20GB(Game)
Platform: PC
Filehost: boxhilade
Estimate download time: 10min – 6h